राष्ट्रीय आयुर्वेद संस्थान

मानद विश्वविद्यालय(डी. नोवो )
आयुष मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार
Deemed To be University (De Novo)
Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India


Agad Tantra deals with study of the poisons, its action, clinical manifestation diagnosis of acute, chronic and cumulative toxicity and treatment. Poison refers to the toxins produced by toxic materials and living organism which are dangerous to human beings e.g. poisonous plants, heavy metal and its compound, the venom of snake, scorpion, spiders, bees etc., bacterial and non-bacterial food poisoning, artificial poison like insecticide, herbicide and rodenticide etc. It includes also occupational and industrial toxicity, its clinical manifestation, diagnosis and management. It includes also acute, chronic toxicity of various addicted drugs, its withdrawal and its management. The Department imparts Under Graduate and Post Graduate education and training to students in Ayurvedic classical references of Visha (poison), its detailed description, its classifications and examinations, diseases caused by it, principles of managements and preventive measures of the poisons, and legal aspect of medical practice, medical aspects of Law and forensic medicine.

PG department of Agad Tantra runs De-addiction unit at OPD –IPD level managing patients of different drug addictions (Alcohol,Tobacco,Cannabis,Opium). Our department also deals with the patients having Allergic Skin disorders and hair related problems. During the year under report, 1 Professor, 1 Associate Professor, 2 Assistant Professor with other supporting technical and non-technical staff was working in the Department.


    1. Our objective is not only to provide academic, research and community services but also to exceed our client’s expectations i.e. our authorities, students, patients and law enforcement agencies.
    2. The Department endeavors to achieve the goal of becoming a benchmark as a quality Medico-legal and Medical Jurisprudence education and opinion provider.
    3. To impart quality education to the Undergraduate students meeting the highest of standards in vogue.
    4. To bring law and medicine together for preparing medical students for their medical, legal and social duties in medical profession.
    5. To give sufficient knowledge to handle the cases of poisoning.
    6. To train undergraduates of Ayurvedic medicine and professionals in fields related to forensic medicine.


    1. Departmental activities through Group performance with equal participation of Teaching Staff, PG and Ph.D. Scholars.
    2. Clinical training by way of active involvement in OPD, De-addiction unit, case presentations and clinical discussions.
    3. Regularly organized activities - Departmental Seminars, Workshops, Journal Club Meetings and Presentations, Group Discussions on innovative ideas, Extension Lectures etc. are some of the common and regular activities of the Department.

Departmental Information:

    1. The department has Academic section and Museum which are spread over a spacious area. The department is well equipped with teaching/learning resources
    2. Sufficient no. of books in Dept. library
    3. Desktop, CDs, LCD projector, Internet Facility.

Achievements of Department


    A) Under-Graduate Level: During the year, theoretical as well as practical teaching, training and guidance in the subject of AgadTantra, VyavaharAyurved and VidhiVaidyak were provided to students of BAMS.
    B) Post-Graduate Level: During the year, theoretical as well as practical teaching, training and guidance in the subject of AgadTantra, VyavaharAyurved and VidhiVaidyak subject were provided to PG Scholars. Research works were also conducted.
    C) The Students have been taken to Medical college to show them Post- Mortem demonstration and thereby giving them practical trainings on the subject. This is continuing in batches.

Other significant achievements of the unit are:

    1. Case reports, and articles on drug dependence treatment through Ayurveda have been published every year in various national and international journals.
    2. Thesis and research work on various types of addictions and its management through Ayurveda is carried out every year.

Clinical facilities of Department

Clinical facilities:

The department is having well established infrastructure, and offers clinical services for a range of disorders by application of Ayurvedic treatment regimens through its well functioning units/clinics.

There is separate De-addiction unit functioning in the hospital where different types of addictions (Alcohol, Ganja, Opium, Psychological drugs, Charas, video-gaming etc.) and its associated complications are being managed by adopting different procedure such as Sarvangabhyang (Body massage) Shirodhara, Shiropichu etc. with Ayurvedic medicines. Proper counseling, behavior therapy, music therapy, meditation and yoga practices are also incorporated with De-addiction treatment.IPD facility is also available for such kind of patients

Our department also deals with the patients having Dushivishajanya Allergic Skin disorders .

De-addiction Unit

The Drug Dependence Treatment Unit, P.G. Department of Agad tantra, National institute of Ayurveda was established in the 16 dec.2016 as the centre for treatment of drugs and substance abuse disorders and was functional from the premises of National institute of Ayurveda Jaipur Rajasthan. This unit has full range of specialists & treatment facilities including O.P.D and I.P.D facilities with expansion plan for the future. The unit has well qualified multi-disciplinary faculties, medical staff, and P.G. and PhD research scholars, nursing staff, laboratory personnel and administrative staff to render various modalities of care. Clinical care is provided through outpatient, inpatient settings. It deals with the treatment of disorders related to use of all illicit substances i.e. Alcohol, Opioids, Cannabis, Tobacco etc., internet gaming disorders along with and behavioral psychological disorders. Treatment modalities includes Shodhan(Purification methods), Shaman (pharmacological i.e. with medications) and non-pharmacological (i.e. psychological / social, Cognitive behavioral therapies) treatments. The unit carries out the relevant hematological, biochemical laboratory tests to monitor health damage along with different assessment scales of drug dependence.

The unit has been involved in

    1. Providing clinical care to patients – outpatient, inpatient and community based -through daily OPD, specialty clinics.
    2. Health education& prevention of addictive disorders through camps.
    3. Documentation, publication of resource material and creation of database
    4. Establishment and development of laboratory services to detect drugs of abuse in body fluids and health damage.
    5. Providing cognitive behavioral therapies such as counseling(individual, group counseling), music therapy etc.
    6. Research, The unit provides clinical care to about 200 new patients and about 300 old patients every year.

Webinar / Seminar / Programs / Awards and Functions details

Faculty of Agadtantra attended and keynote speaker in various seminars /webinars organized by different colleges/ university. Our Department had also organized many CMEs and lecture series. The Faculty of our department has been awarded by different organizations.

Future plans

    1. To create a “first contact physician” who is aware of medical ethics, duties and various acts governing medical practice.
    2. To produce a doctor who is well informed about medico-legal responsibilities during the practice of medicine.
    3. To provide the services of judicial medical officer, forensic pathology and clinical forensic medicine.
    4. To make the Ayurveda graduates capable of making observation and inferring conclusion by logical deductions to set inquiries on the right track in criminal manners and associated medico-legal problems
De-addiction Unit


Prof. Anita Sharma

Professor and Head

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Prof. Sharad Kumar Porte


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Dr. Amol Kadu

Assistant Professor

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Dr. Dinesh Kumawat

Assistant Professor

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