राष्ट्रीय आयुर्वेद संस्थान

मानद विश्वविद्यालय(डी. नोवो )
आयुष मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार
Deemed To be University (De Novo)
Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India


Bala Roga is one of the most important branches of Ayurveda. This Department is imparting teaching and training to Under Graduate, Post Graduate Teaching and Ph.D. Scholars. This branch deals with neonatal care, infant feeding, diet for newborn, daily and seasonal regime and also deals with diseases and disorders relating to children including nutrition of children, immunization etc.

During the year under report, 1 Professor, 1 Associate Professor, 3 Assistant Professors with other supporting technical and non-technical staff were working in the Department. The charge of the Head of the Department of Kaumar Bhritya is vested with the Head of the Department of Kayachikitsa as additional charge.

A) Objectives:

A) To make UG Students able to recognize the key importance of child health care and to participate at primary level.

B) To make PG Scholars able to acquire the competency pertaining to child health care through Ayurveda that is required to be practiced in the community and at all levels of health care, to get oriented with the principles of research methodology and to acquire skill in teaching methodology.

C) To develop competence in Ph.D. scholars in advanced concepts of research methodology in the area of Ayurvedic Pediatrics and also to prepare them to be a productive member of team in health care,research and education.

B) Methodology:

A) Departmental activities through Group performance with equal participation of Teaching Staff, PG and Ph.D. Scholars.

B) Clinical training by way of active involvement in OPD, pediatric ward, case presentations and clinical discussions.

C) Regularly organized activities - Departmental Seminars, Workshops, Journal Club Meetings and Presentations, Group Discussions on innovative ideas, Extension Lectures etc. are some of the common and regular activities of the Department.



A) Under-Graduate Level: During the year, theoretical as well as practical teaching, training and guidance in the subject of Kaumar Bhritya were provided to Students of BAMS as per Syllabus of Rajasthan Ayurved University. Group-wise discussions with presentations were also incorporated to make their concepts more clear. Practical training was also conducted.

B) Diploma in Nurse/Compounder Course: The Department also imparts training to the students of the Diploma in Nurse/Compounder Course as per their Syllabus of the University.

C) Post-Graduate Level: During the year, theoretical as well as practical teaching, training and guidance in the PG Subjects were provided to PG (M.D. Ayurveda) Scholars as per Syllabus of Rajasthan Ayurved University. Patient Care orientated Training is given to scholars while theory classes were delivered by the Faculty Members to advance knowledge of the Subject. The Department adopts innovative techniques to train their Post Graduate scholars.

D) Ph.D. Level: Teaching, training and research guidance were given to Ph.D. scholars on their subjects of research as per rules and directions of Rajasthan Ayurved University. Research projects were taken up for this purpose. Every effort is made to develop their competence in advanced concepts of research in the areas of child health care by incorporating fundamentals of Ayurveda.

Clinical facilities/achievements:

The department is having well established infrastructure, and offers clinical services for a range of pediatric disorders by application of Ayurvedic treatment regimens through its well functioning following units/clinics –

i. General Pediatric O.P.D. -

In the Institute hospital experts of the department offer their clinical services every day.

ii. Child Mental Health Unit -

Special treatment facilities are available for various mental disorders of children like, Autism, Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorders (AD/HD), Mental retardation, Academic stress, Memory related disorders etc. This unit is attracting patients from various places of the country.

iii. Pediatric Panchakarma Unit -

Specialized Panchakarma procedures are performed in Children to manage various neuro-muscular disorders and other disorders like - Cerebral Palsy, Muscular Dystrophy, Paralysis etc.

iv. Vaccination Unit -

Facility for vaccination to children is made available under National Immunization Programme.

v. Swarna Prashan Unit:

Established on 1st September, 2016. The Department provides free swarna prashan to under 5 children on every pushya nakshtra days every month.

Child Community Health Programme:

The department is running community health project under which, regular health check up camps are organized at different villages and schools situated near the institute.



Prof. Nisha Kumari Ojha

Professor and Head

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Dr Rakesh Kumar Nagar

Associate Professor

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Dr Sri Nidhi Kumar K

Associate Professor

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Dr. Brahm Dutt Sharma

Assistant Professor

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Dr. Vishal Nandlal Prajapati

Assistant Professor

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Smt. Manohar Kanwar


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JAIPUR - 302002 (RAJ.) INDIA
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