राष्ट्रीय आयुर्वेद संस्थान

मानद विश्वविद्यालय(डी. नोवो )
आयुष मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार
Deemed To be University (De Novo)
Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India
Post-Graduate Programme – Ayurveda Vachaspati(MD(Ay.)/Ayurved Dhanwantary (MS(Ay.)


The Post-Graduate Programme is of 3 Years duration. Following 14 Subjects are available for Post Graduation in the Institute:

S.No. Programme Name Programme Name
1. Agad Tantra Medical Jurisprudence & Toxicology
2. Bala Roga Pediatrics
3. Dravya Guna Materia Medica & Pharmacology
4. Kayachikitsa Internal Medicine
5. Maulik Siddhanta Fundamental Principles
6. Panchakarma Penta Bio-Purification Methods
7. Prasuti Stri Roga Gynaecology & Obstetrics
8. Roga & Vikrit Vigyan Clinical Medicine & Pathology
9. Rasa Shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana Iatro-Chemistry (Rasa Chikitsa)
10. Sharir Rachana Anatomy
11. Sharir Kriya Physiology
12. Shalya Tantra Surgery
13. Shalakya Tantra ENT & Eye
14. Swastha Vritta Preventive & Social Medicine

Mode of Admission:

Admission to the PG Programme is made from the Merit prepared on the basis of the PG Entrance Examination of Objective Type conducted by the University. The Notification for the Entrance Test was published by the University on all India level in Newspapers and also on its Website. The Notification of the University was also posted on the Website of the Institute.

1 Seat in each Subject is available for Central Government Nominees sponsored by various State Government through the Ministry of AYUSH. 3 Seats are reserved for candidates belonging to BIMSTEC countries sponsored by ICCR through Ministry of AYUSH. (i.e. for Candidates of Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand) and 3 Seats for South-East Asian Countries and 1 for Malaysia through Ministry of AYUSH. Reservation for In-Service Candidates, SC, ST, OBC and PH is also available for Indian nationals as per Government of India orders.


During the year, 84 Seats could be filled considering the availability of faculty in various Departments. 280 Scholars were studying in the Post-Graduate Programme during the year 2015-2016. During the year under report, 100 M.D./M.S. Scholars submitted their Thesis.


PG Prospectus

Fees :

The Fees for the Post-Graduate Programme is Rs. 81,750 for the First Year, Rs. 54,500 for the Second Year and Rs. 54,500 for the Third Year. An additional amount of Rs. 22,500 is also charged per Year for Hostel, subject to availability.

MD Detailed Fees Structure


The Monthly Stipend provided to MD/MS Scholars in the First Year is Rs.42,560, in the Second Year, Rs. 45,600 and in the Third Year, Rs. 48,640. The Stipend also carries DA at Central Government Rates.

PG Academic Calender Of Events:


Contact us

National Institute of Ayurveda Jorawar Singh Gate, Amer Road
JAIPUR - 302002 (RAJ.) INDIA
Telephone: 91-141-2635816
Email: nia-rj[at]nic[dot]in
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